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Working with Rob Solo – What to Expect

Rob Solo | February 1, 2022

To create something from nothing with an ‘other worldly’ body of sound may no longer appear strange as new generations of music lovers have accepted much of it as mainstream. As a modern proponent of electronic music – my developed a passion for electronic music with signature songs in the 1980’s.

I primarily work at a local recording studio in Van Nuys, California with access to a roomful of technology and an arsenal of electronic instruments and pro audio plugins and processors.  I work hard behind the scenes to create the magic that will take a listener into a whole other level. My passion in music has always been to create a new listening experience that different – yet modern with a futuristic vibe.


My Approach

Setting the right exceptions is a key to success.  Working with me, you’ll need to know what you’re getting. Here’s what I bring to the table when you hire me –



My experience extends back to when I was a curious youngster – I’ve grown up in an environment of art where both parents had an appreciation for the musical and visual format. Living in Los Angeles, I’ve spent almost everyday for the last 4 years working and improving my craft and talents, primarily in a studio setting and at times at home. I’ve worked with so many wonderful individuals from various aspects of life who all keep coming back to engage in the creativity that we share.



One of the the most important aspects of any relationship is trust. By always being open and honest with everyone, my clients and collaborators are able to quickly establish a strong connection, both on a professional and personal level. Making a great product requires loyalty, teamwork, and communication from everyone involved.



Working together to achieve more is a great motivator because in that process, the commitment is stronger and the potential is greater. There is no secret formula to being successful in the industry and it’s in my interests for those I work and create with to be successful as well. Sharing my knowledge, expertise, and talent with dedicated like-minded people is pure inspiration.



Ever since my beginnings in music production, the idea has always been to present “a new sound of music”. Being the versatile Producer I am today, my goal to be original still continues with an identifying, distinctive, and easily recognizable sound amongst other Producers within the same genres.



Producing records is a serious endeavor. More importantly, it’s my life. My passion for production is so strong that the drive lies in sharing a completely new and fresh experience with the world. In know in my soul, this is what I’m supposed to do.



I’m a patient person but one of my biggest pet peeves is inefficiency. There are only 24 hours in a day and I hate seeing any of them being wasted. I don’t rush or hurry but I do focus and place my energy on what matters most to be as efficient as possible.



I realize that my career as a producer is a marathon – not a sprint. That’s why I treat everyone with the same fairness that I expect from them. I prefer to have artists work with me as their careers progress rather than just once. When I’m working on a project, I dedicate all of my energy to making it as incredible as I possibly can bringing equal satisfaction to all who are involved.



Whether it’s meeting a deadline, managing and staying within a certain budget, or ensuring that what’s asked of me is properly delivered, making records is a serious endeavor where crucial decisions need to be made. I take my role in each project very seriously because I know what my priorities are and I keep it professional all the time.



It’s all about harmony (being centered) and making sense. Why over complicate things? More does not always equal better. In my experience, what I learned is that it’s okay to keep things simple – in music and in life. In addition, it’s important to make sure you don’t over-think things and also don’t over-do things either. If all is great, move on to the next thing.



Today’s expectations for quality is higher than it’s ever been. Anyone with a computer and some software can have endless possibilities with how they choose to express themselves and share it with the world. But the difference between the millions of songs recorded each year and the couple thousand that gain notoriety is the quality, not just the sonic quality but also the musical quality.



Music is power – a form of communication and expression designed to invoke a certain feeling and spark a certain thought. Ever since I began creating music, what was being expressed was pure emotion. It was the only way I was able to reveal my deeper inner feelings at that time. A true artist has the capacity to express his/her emotions openly and to share the message and feeling behind their work.



If you’re not moving forward, you’re falling behind. With each project I work on, the next just gets that much better. It’s constant improvement. I never stop searching or experimenting new ideas and techniques. Being tech savvy also helps in the process of progression in addition to being up to date with the latest technology and trends.


Ready to manifest your song idea or wanted to get something started? I’d love to hear more about your project.  Reach out and let’s connect.

Written by Rob Solo


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Music that's professionally produced with a signature sound for artists, labels, and publishers to work with and fans to enjoy listening to.

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